Bonnie E. Haims
Turley, Peppel & Christen LLC
2224 Centennial Road
Toledo, OH 43617
T 419.214.0808
F 419.214.0809
Bonnie E. Haims
Bonnie Haims is an associate attorney with Turley, Peppel & Christen LLC. She has been practicing law since 2000, first with a local firm and then as a sole practitioner. She graduated from the University of Toledo with an Associate of Applied Business - Legal Secretarial Major in 1993; Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, in 1996; and Juris Doctor in 2000.
Bonnie's focus has been on personal injury since the beginning of her legal career. She started as a legal secretary right out of high school (Whitmer, 1991), became a paralegal, law clerk, and then a lawyer. This progression has provided Bonnie with a unique, "hands on" perspective on how she handles her cases and represents her clients.
Bonnie lives in Sylvania with her husband, Dave, and two children, Abby and Jake.